Sunday, March 15, 2015

Note from Nelle: Month Hiatus and Snow Days!

Note from Nelle

Oh Readers, I've been absent for a bit and thought I'd tell you why! I'm in a bit of a blog slump. I'm going to take the rest of March and catch up on my reading! I'll be back here and there, but not full-time until April 6th! I'm working on new IDEAS so stay tuned! 

Here are some pictures of our Febrary SNOW DAYS!! Who would have thought Northwest Tennessee would see so much SNOW!!

 Jake, my Jack Russell, loves to put his nose in the snow :)

Max, My Lhasa Apso/ Shih Tzu, loves rolling in the snow. He's so white he disappears into it if we aren't careful!

My daughter's attempt at a snow man. The snow wasn't sticking enough, it was nice and fluffy though!

Did I say I HATE shoveling snow and ice!!! Well I DO!

How have you spent your snow days?!