My reviews will include:
Title and author, publisher, release date, my rating, cover art, synopsis from Goodreads or publisher/auhor's website, and my review.
If I received the book via NetGalley/Edleweiss/Publisher or author for the purpose of an honest review it will be noted; otherwise you can assume I purchased, borrowed or was gifted the book.
My Rating System:
5 star = Obsessed
4 star = Loved it!
3 Star = Liked it!
2 Star = Just OK
1 Star = DNF (You'll only see these if I feel strongly about leaving a review)
I will try to read and review all ARCs within 2 weeks their release date. If there is a time preference, please specify in your request.
Genres that I Love:
Romance! Paranormal Romance, Historical Romance, Contemporary Romance, Urban Fantasy, if you're unsure if it fits check out my Goodreads list and see if your book fits under any of those categories. I HAVE to have a HEA. Sometimes it can be at the end of a series like with the Dark Fever series by Karen Marie Moning, but the romance has to be in there.
Genres I don't care for:
Horror, Nonfiction, Science Fiction
If you feel that I will enjoy your novel, send me a request. But make sure to look at my previous reviews for a better grasp of what I read and review.
My reviews will be posted on: Nelle's NightStand, Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and as well as my Facebook page and links from Twitter.
Series: I hate reading books out of sequence. If you are requesting for me to read a book in a series, please be willing to provide the previous books in that series.
Formats I prefer: Ebooks; Mobi and Epub, and hard copies
Author Interviews/Guest Posts/Giveaways/Tour Hops/Blitz:
Nelle's NightStand will be delighted to host any Author Interviews, guests posts, tour hops or blitz's at the author/publisher's request.
Please send all review requests to
Thank you
Editorial Policy
In all matters, including but not limited to: giveaways, reviews, guest posts and interviews please note the blogger retains all editorial decisions. I reserve the right to respectfully edit content, and to include photos.