This will just be a maintenance post. It will include a list of all the challenges I've entered into this year! I'll probably add more along the way! Feel free to join in on them yourself just click the challenge graphic to take you to the sign up page!
This challenge is one I'm hosting myself! We all know that most heroines have the 'perfect' figure. Well I for one do not. I want to find all of the books that feature a curvy heroine. Feel free to click on the graphic to sign up!
This is a challenge hosted by Anna over at herding cats & burning soup. One I'm very excited to start this year! I'm choosing to go for Level 1 6 "new to you"s. I have several new to me author's I'd like to try out this year!
Starting off small on this one! Only going for 6. I've never ventured out to review an erotic novel ;) (Doesn't mean I don't read them! *wink*)
I'm going to join in on Sophia Rose's pair a book with a tune challenge! Going to start with Level One – Hum Baby – 10 items/10 tunes!
With my commute to work and my Audible membership this should be easy! Stenographer (can listen while multi-tasking) 10-15.
Signed up for level 4- 48 books. Historical's are my favorite genre!
I am a huge binge reader of series! I have several I haven't gotten started yet. Let's see if I can complete them this year!
1. The Elder Races by Thea Harrison (8)
2. The Color of Heaven by Julianne Maclean (7)
3. Guardians of Eternity by Alexandra Ivy (8)
4. Pennyroyal Green by Julie Ann Long (9)
That's a total of 36!